In the spotlight

European Physiotherapists Network

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    The European Physiotherapists Network is an initiative of EAHAD’s Physiotherapists Committee. It was officially launched in February 2017 during the 10th Annual Congress of EAHAD.

    Its purpose is to connect physiotherapists working in this specialised area and facilitate the exchange of knowledge between them with the end goal of improving the provision and quality of musculoskeletal care to patients with bleeding disorders throughout Europe.

    If you are a physiotherapist working in the area of haemophilia and allied disorders and would like to learn more about the network and get involved, please contact the Coordinator for your region through the table below or by clicking the button.

    COMMITTEE Physiotherapists Committee

    CATEGORY Projects

    TAGS Physiotherapists

    Meet the Team

    Ruth Elise Dybvik Matlary


    Paula Loughnane


    Paul McLaughlin

    United Kingdom

    Merel Timmer


    Izabela Jaszczur-Janus


    Marie Katzerova

    Central Europe

    Sébastien Lobet

    Belgium and Luxembourg

    Nathalie Grinda


    Anne Juanos


    Elena Boccalandro


    Sofia Pérez Alenda

    Spain and Portugal

    Lia Ramishvili


    Rachel Tiktinsky


    Marina Dmitrieva


    Hande Guney Deniz
