In the spotlight

EAHAD 2021 Virtual Congress Announcement

After careful consideration, the EAHAD 2021 Organising Committee has decided to make the upcoming EAHAD 2021 Congress a fully virtual event, taking place from 3 until 5 February 2021.


We want to thank you for your continued support of our annual Congress. We are fully committed to creating an excellent virtual learning experience and strive to ensure that high quality scientific content will be able to reach our members and partners in Europe and around the world, in a safe and accessible manner.


Like our previous Congresses, EAHAD 2021 will offer original scientific sessions and presentations, showcasing the latest innovations and advances in the field of haemophilia and bleeding disorders.


Updated information on the programme, registration as well as abstract submissions will be available after the summer.


Join us for the EAHAD 2021 Virtual Congress. We look forward to meeting you all online in February.


Do you have any questions? Contact us at and visit the Congress website here