By Emeritus Prof. Christopher Ludlam and Prof. John McVey, EAHAD-DB Coagulation Factor Variant Database Steering Group
Last year the databases moved to new locations and we would urge all users to bookmark the new sites especially if they access them directly. The databases are available from the EAHAD Coagulation Factor Database home page ( or directly using the links in the table below.
If you find the databases useful you may be interested in our recent publication “The European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD) Coagulation Factor Variant Databases: Important resources for haemostasis clinicians and researchers”* describing the databases. We kindly ask that you cite this when referring to the databases in future publications. We always welcome any comments and feedback to
We would also encourage you to complete a short user survey, which can be accessed here. Regarding the databases, there are significantly more cases reported. However, we would encourage researchers and clinicians to continue to contribute to the project by submitting their variant data to the relevant databases via the submission forms on project home page.
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*McVey, J. H., Rallapalli, P. M., Kemball-Cook, G., Hampshire, D. J., Giansily-Blaizot, M., Gomez, K., Perkins, S. J., Ludlam C. A. (2020) The European Association for Haemophilia and Allied Disorders (EAHAD) Coagulation Factor Variant Databases: Important resources for haemostasis clinicians and researchers. Haemophilia 26, 306-313.