In the spotlight

EUHASS – Now accessible via the EAHAD website

EUHASS is a pharmacovigilance programme monitoring the safety of treatments for people with inherited bleeding disorders in Europe. Haemophilia treatment centres report adverse events directly to the EUHASS website where a live tally of reported events can be viewed. Quarterly and yearly surveillance reports are produced and made available to participating centres and product manufacturers, whilst product-specific reports are only shared with regulators and product manufacturers.


The aims of EUHASS are:


– To monitor the safety of treatments for people with haemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders in Europe.


– To inform clinicians, regulators, and other interested parties of the treatment patterns and adverse events reported for these patients in Europe.


– To set up a publicly available directory containing information and publications lists for all the clotting factor products used in Europe to treat haemophilia and other inherited bleeding disorders.


From the outset, EAHAD has been one of the main partners and so it followed naturally that the project be transferred to EAHAD upon the retirement of EUHASS’ initial Project Manager, Estelle Gilman. Now being managed by Livia Boagiu, EUHASS is being run from the EAHAD office in Brussels.


Along with this move, we have facilitated access to information about EUHASS by creating a direct link to the EUHASS website on the EAHAD website, under the Projects tab.