In the spotlight

First E-Learning WG module available on EAHAD Academy!

The first module of the EAHAD E-Learning Working Group “How to manage acute cardiovascular disorders in haemophilia” is now available on the EAHAD Academy Platform! 

In this first module, Cedric Hermans and Robert Klamroth present the background of cardiovascular disease in haemophilia, discuss the management of one specific patient and review the recent literature and recommendations in this field.

They highlight the complexity of anticoagulation and antiplatelet treatment in patients with haemophilia and discuss treatment options. 


Robert Klamroth
President of EAHAD, Head of Department of Internal Medicine Angiology and Coagulation disorders, Director of the Comprehensive Care Haemophilia Treatment Center and the Haemostasis and Thrombosis Unit @ Vivantes Klinikum in Berlin, Germany.

Cedric Hermans
Vice-Chair of the EAHAD E-Learning Working Group, Head of the Division of Haematology, the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Unit as well as the Hemophilia Center @ Saint-Luc University Hospital in Brussels, Belgium.