On February 6, during the EAHAD 2019 Congress, in Prague, Czech Republic, the inaugural meeting of the EAHAD Women and Bleeding Disorders Working Group took place. After its establishment in September and a teleconference in November 2018, this meeting was the first time the members of the Working Group had the opportunity to meet in person, discuss, plans, and finetune the priorities for the year ahead.
The meeting was chaired by Dr Karin van Galen from Van Creveldkliniek in Utrecht, Nertherlands, whose idea it was to launch the group. She was joined by Dr Roseline d’Oiron, haematologist (Paris, France), Dr E.P. Mauser-Bunschoten, haematologist (Utrecht, the Netherlands), Ms Petra Elfvinge, nurse (Stockholm, Sweden), Dr Romana Gerychova, obstetrician-gynaecologist (Brno, Czech Republic), Dr Eva Ivanova, haematologist (Hradec Králové, Czech Republic), and Ms Naja Skouw-Rasmussen, patient representative (EHC Steering Committee). Dr Rezan Abdul-Kadir, obstetrician-gynaecologist (London, UK) was unable to join the meeting but serves on the Working Group.
Together, they brainstormed on interesting and exciting ideas. Chief among them is the launch of a survey that will help the group define any knowledge gaps and research priorities for Women with Bleeding Disorders in Europe.
The survey is in the final stages of preparation and will be circulated to all relevant parties in the coming weeks.