Join our speakers, Robert Klamroth, Cedric Hermans, Carmen Escuriola-Ettingshausen, Christoph Konigs, and Jan Astermark in EAHAD’s first E-Learning live discussion, where we’ll be delving deeper into the topics covered in modules 1, 2, and 3
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to expand your knowledge and connect with experts in the field.
- Introduction
Yesim DARGAUD - Discussion, answers to audience questions on:
- Module 1, “How to manage acute cardiovascular disorders in haemophilia”
Robert KLAMROTH & Cedric HERMANS - Module 2, “ITI in the era of emicizumab”
Carmen ESCURIOLA-ETTINGSHAUSEN - Module 3, “Immunogenicity and new anti-haemophilic treatments”
- Module 1, “How to manage acute cardiovascular disorders in haemophilia”
- Closing remarks
Robert Klamroth
President of EAHAD, Head of Department of Internal Medicine Angiology and Coagulation disorders, Director of the Comprehensive Care Haemophilia Treatment Center and the Haemostasis and Thrombosis Unit @ Vivantes Klinikum in Berlin, Germany.
Cedric Hermans
Vice-Chair of the EAHAD E-Learning Working Group, Head of the Division of Haematology, the Hemostasis and Thrombosis Unit as well as the Hemophilia Center @ Saint-Luc University Hospital in Brussels, Belgium.
Carmen Escuriola- Ettingshausen
Director of the Haemophilia Centre Rhein Main – HZRM, Frankfurt-Mörfelden, Germany. Her clinical interests include haemorrhagic disorders with a focus on haemophilias, thrombosis, congenital immunodeficiencies, and hereditary angioedema in both pediatric and adult patients.
Christoph Königs
Based at the Paediatric Haemophilia Centre, University Hospital Frankfurt, Germany since 2002. His main clinical focus is developing and improving therapies for children and adolescents with coagulation disorders with a focus on patient education and shared decision-making.
Jan Astermark
Consultant and responsible for the Clinical Coagulation research unit at Skåne University Hospital in Malmö. His research focuses on haemophilia and how treatment can be optimised for haemophilia patients.
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